Tag Archives: juice fast

Have Chinese Restaurants Been Right All Along?

26 Jul

Have you noticed in most of your favorite Chinese dishes you can find this green limp vegetable that doesn’t have much flavor?  This is not just for bulk or presentation…this vegetable, endearingly named Bok Choy, is a special kind of nutritional delight.

Bok Choy is one of the most nutrient dense, beneficial things that you can eat or juice.

A plate of cooked bok choy

A plate of cooked bok choy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It supplies your body with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, antioxidants, Vitamin K and carotenes
This leafy greens is super high in chlorophyll content.  Chlorophyll is what makes plants grow, what gives plants life and this will cleanse are bodies, revitalize are blood, plump up your skin so you have this healthy glow.

My mom and I were discussing this morning how she has become addicted to Bok Choy.  She was previously deceived and didn’t realize just how good Bok Choy was for you because of the white bottoms.


Then she read the book, Eat To Live written by Doctor Fuhrman, whom oversaw Joe Cross in the documentary Fat, Sick and Almost Dead.
Dr. Fuhrman states that Bok Choy is in the top 3 nutrient dense foods.
This list gives you the top 30 nutrient dense foods that you can add to your arsenal for living an optimum healthy life.


The taste of Bok Choy is a cross between cabbage and celery.  If you are going to be eating raw it is great to choose Bok Choy because if you eat a lot of cabbage and celery you could experience a great deal of bloating.  But you won’t have the same effect with the Choy.
Not to mention Bok Choy is so so low in calories.  100 g of Bok Choy is only 13 calories so it is in the negative calorie category.

Get the max out of this vegetable by juicing it with the VRT 350.  On sale now at healthylifejuicers.com

Juice Fasting Tips – HealthyLifeJuicers.com

2 Apr
Cucumber, celery & apple juice

Cucumber, celery & apple juice (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A one day fast can rest the digestive system.

The process of digestion takes so much energy.  For our system to break down what we are eating so we can get the energy that we need can be quite a task internally.
I am not saying that this is a bad thing but juicing helps give you that energy you need instantly.

Here are a few juice fasting tips to get you started.

  • The day before your fast eat a light diet of fruit and vegetables.
  • On the day of your fast, eliminate all solid foods.
  • Drink fruit or vegetable juice (don’t mix them – our body uses different enzymes to digest them.)
  • Drink up to 4 liters (about 7-8 pints) of juice a day and try to “chew” it rather than simply gulp it, this will aid in the digestion process.
  • A gentle practice that consists of various yoga poses can help speed up the detoxification process.

Fasting is an excellent time to devote to concentration and meditation as the mind may feel sharper and more acute than normal.
During a fast, toxins and impurities are released from the body through all the organs of elimination, including the skin.  For this reason, you should wash regularly to keep the skin fresh and clean.  Do the loofa thing to help remove dead skin cells and stimulate the circulation and the nervous system.
You may even experience skin eruptions as the body goes through its internal cleaning process.

Check out this page to compare which juicers are the best when you are juice fasting.

Juice Fasting For Your Soul – HealthyLifeJuicers.com

23 Feb
English: Neil's (Neil Kleinberg) blueberry pan...

Image via Wikipedia

How much time do you spend during the day thinking about what you are going to eat?

When you are going to eat?

Or just eating?

Wouldn’t it be so great if we could use our thought life, brain power and time to be more introspective?

Of course, initially when you start fasting you will be thinking about food.  You might think, “I wish I could eat and I can’t wait for this day to be over!”
In those moments remind yourself why you are fasting.

English: Cucumber, celery & apple juice

Image via Wikipedia

I like to set an intention on the days I juice fast.  Just as I do when I am in my yoga practice.  Bring yourself into the moment and really feel the present.
Use it as a way change your normal day-to-day thought life.
Juice fasting will get you thinking differently about your life, your body, about who you are and the relationship you have with food.

Perhaps you could juice fast and dedicate your fast to someone you love or doesn’t have the opportunity to eat anything they want whenever they want..  
Whenever we spend time doing something that is good for our bodies and our souls we grow.  We become stronger more determined, focused people.
Spend some time today loving your body and loving who you are.

Click HERE for great juice fasting ideas and recipes!!

My Sister’s Personal Juice Fasting Story! – HealthyLifeJuicers.com

19 Sep

My little sister has always loved food.  A loving family nick name for her as a child was “wooden leg” because she just kept eating at the dinner table and never seemed to get full.

As an athlete this wasn’t a problem…but what happened when she stopped training like a professional basketball player?

Well…you guessed right!  She gained a lot of unwanted weight.

My sister was ready to have a slim and sexy body.  The question was how could someone who loves food as much as her reach those goals?

She found her answer in the juice.  With my mom as her guide she was able to lose the weight she wanted and now she is in the best shape of her life.

You too can start juicing today…it doesn’t have to be a juice fast and you will still see incredible results but if you want so me help and some encouragement read this article she wrote about her experience juice fasting.

Some common questions are:

1) What are the best things to juice on a juice fast?

2) How long should I juice fast?

3) Doesn’t my body need to digest solid foods?

Based off the facts and the experience that my sister Jessica had we will answer these questions. In subsequent blogs.  But for some quick answers check out First Time Juicer FAQs.

If you are serious about juice fasting you will want an exceptional juicer at the best price you can possible find.  But the amazing thing about purchasing this juicer is you will get one you of free juice fasting coaching.

Can We Help You Find The Healthy Balance in Life! – HealthyLifeJuicers.com

6 Jul
Česky: Pizza

Image via Wikipedia

People are always telling me they would love to lose weight but don’t want to give up their favorite things (pizza, wine, chips and salsa, cake frosting).
Those feelings are completely understandable.  My mom has always been all or nothing kind of person.  It doesn’t matter if it is good or bad.
That’s in regards to religion, exercise, nutrition, parenting, reading, whatever she is into that moment.  The thing with this kind of mentality is it will teach you what is healthy or unhealthy for you pretty quickly.
Our bodies are incredibly intelligent and respond to what works and rejects what doesn’t.
For example, if alcohol is bad for you (alcohol destroys/damages your cells, it raises your Acidity level, overall doing nothing positive for your system)  then never drink.

Some people try to live a life of balance.  Eat as good as you can throughout the day then treat yourself to a desert after a hard workout.
A day that may start with a juice or a wheatgrass (strongest cleanser of the liver), get some physical activity during the day then enjoy a nice dinner with a great glass of Pinot Noir.

frischgepreßter Karottensaft

Image via Wikipedia

It is not always what you take out of your diet that will help you look and feel better it is what you add.  Adding a carrot juice to your weekly diet; which is an overall enhancer of so many things – your eyes your skin – and it is a energy due to the natural occurring sugars that are very healthy for you!

The problem with a lot of folks is they have gone so far in the unhealthy direction.  Having a diet that consists of a processed, high sugared foods for breakfast, a sandwich on white bread mayonnaise and meat minus the vegetables for lunch, no physical activity during the day, then a large portioned dinner in front of the TV with a 6 pack of beer.
Can you imagine what that will do to someone’s body.
After years of this sort of behavior you will have to take on my mom’s mentality of all or nothing.  Daily workout routine, always putting the best nutrition into your body and no alcohol.
Every choice good or bad has a consequence and if it took you 5 years to feel crappy and weigh 25 lbs heavier than you should than it is going to take a lot longer than 4 weeks of being healthy to get your body back to normal function.
I am not here to be the barer of bad news I hope to motivate you to change your life today!
If you are an all or nothing type person like my mom, go for it.  I envy your dedication.  If you are more like myself start making small changes every couple of days until a habit is formed.  I’m not saying you will have to give up that pizza and glass of vino for the rest of your life, but who knows you may end up wanting to.  Live the healthy life you want to today and you will feel the benefits tomorrow.