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Healthy Diet Guidelines Made Easy –

27 Mar

Avoid this look.

It is very hard in the western world to eat pure and nutritious foods.

Male Abdominal obesity.

Male Abdominal obesity. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I would like to give you some general guidelines on how to get healthier with your diet.

1) Eat fruits and vegetables in a raw, natural state.
Supermarkets often have to import produce from other parts of the world which means it is probably refrigerated for a long period of time.  As much as you can SHOP LOCAL!

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables (Photo credit: nutrilover)

2) Avoid foods that have been tampered with in order to preserve them.
It is thankfully getting easier and easier to get organic foods because of the increase in organic farming methods.
3) Avoid processed food, white flour and sugar.

4) Avoid foods that contain coloring, added sugar or salt and

This Juicer is on a great sale at

modified food starch and high fructose corn syrup.
5) Be sure to check the food labels before you buy.  If you are unable to pronounce half the things on the label than that is a good clue that it has been majorly tampered with.

6) Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible.  When you cook your vegetables you destroy a lot of vitamins and enzymes.
You may find it hard to eat
This is a little more psychological but it is a great tip.
7) Think about what you are eating.  Don’t eat in a stressed or anxious state.  Give attention to the food or the juice in front of you.
You can even ‘chew’ your juice; which initiates the salivary glands in your mouth and your digestive juices.  This will help your body absorb the nutrients it better.

Vegetable Toss

Vegetable Toss (Photo credit: ex.libris)


The Best Juicer on the Market

7 Feb

The Best Juicer on the Market



29 Jan


What is the Quickest Way to Flush All These Nasty Toxins Out of my Body? –

5 Nov

I have no idea what my problem is but I continue and continue to put toxins into my body.  I want to eat healthy, I want to only do what is best for my body but then I look around me and I see that I am surrounded by cookie wrappers and an empty bottle of wine.

What is your vice?

Not only are there those toxins that I am deciding to put into my body causing me problems, but what about all the things I am subjected to just by getting out of bed. 

For one, I live in a smog cloud right now in my current home in Santiago, Chile. Then of course, there is the normal city car smog, fumes and pollutions.

Plus unseen damages like microwaves, TV waves, and now even putting a cell phone to my ear can lead to cancer.

With all this crap coming in I know I need to put in some things to help me.  Let me tell you what these things are.  If you decided to juice these 3 things,  you can at least say you are getting up every day and fighting the good fight as well.

Celery, watermelon and cucumber have the highest water content so they have a diuretic component to them which helps expedite getting things through your system.  Flushing out the toxins.
Not only is getting rid of the toxins important for fighting free radicals; but also, this helps you lose weight because you are getting that cleansing and purification at the highest level.

In essence, you are getting the junk out of the trunk.

Start juicing these fantastically tasty fruits and vegetables and so your system can start operating at optimum levels!

Want to have the absolutely most efficient juicer for juicing these 3 high water content miracle workers?
Visit Mega Mouth 330 Juicer and receive a special discount when you sign up for the fat burning recipes absolutely free!

What are the TOP FOUR FRUITS to Juice to Lose Weight? –

17 Oct

There are four fantastic tasting fruits that you can add to your daily juice medleys that will help you be on your way to increased weight loss!

1) Grapefruit (read why)

2) Granny Smith Apples (read why)

3) Lemons (read why)

4) Limes (read why)

Three of these options are citrus fruits which contains organic acids that really stimulate your digestive juices.

Every morning I take my little Chilean puppy, Ande on a walk and we stop at the local farmer’s market to pick up a grapefruit and chat with the fruit man about the world of selling fruit.  Not super interesting..but I always look forward to seeing him because he provides me with this fat burning fruit that I immediately take with me to my apartment.  There I cut off the skin leaving the healthy white part, the pith, in between the peel and the fruit and I put it in the juicer with a little cucumber and swiss chard and now I can start my day with one of the healthiest things possible that gives me great lasting energy to conquer everything life throws at me!

Make Your Green Juice Really Green! –

15 Aug

As we have already touched on in previous blogs a bit, juicing is
amazing for your health. We would like to take a few postings to talk
about another passion of mine… the earth! I’ll point out a few great
and simple ways you can also consider the environment in your daily
juicing decisions and make more Eco-friendly juicing choices.  As
discussed in our last blog there are some great ways to utilize the roughage that is left from you fantastic juicing creations. Now lets
talk about how we can make your juicer less wasteful and more
sustainable. This series we will inform you on how to save water,
energy, deciding what to juice when, and things you can do to off-set
your usage.

Studies show that 78% of people say they would like to use more
sustainable products and yet only about 7% are willing to actually
fork out the extra cash to do so. This is understandable given today’s
economy but I’d like to share with you things that you can do to SAVE
not only cash for you but energy and resources for us all.

In honor of this blog series I want to share a great green juice
recipe that I start out many a morning with and in the coming days
I’ll show you how to make that green juice all the way green, ENJOY!

ALL the way green:

4 Celery stalks
1 Cucumber
2 Swiss chard leaves
2 Kale leaves
1 Grape fruit
1 inch Ginger cube

This juice packs amazing benefits to start your day with. Grapefruit
is a great fat burner while the kale and Swiss chard are unbeatable
for their density of trace minerals. Ginger is known to fight and
prevent arthritis, while cucumber and celery have tons of benefits,
one of them being it is fantastic for the health of your skin and
detoxifies the body. Try this juice today and begin your day with
an amazing sense of well-being. And PLEASE remember to check out our
blog series this week and give back to the earth like she gives to us!

What is the Deal with Bottled Water? –

23 Jul
Deutsch: Stilles Mineralwasser, d.h. kohlensäu...

Image via Wikipedia

I was out shopping for bottled water and my shopping companion told me that I was a complete idiot!
He refuses to buy bottled water.  He said, “What a ridiculous concept!”  “Why buy bottled water when you have water for free coming directly out of your sink?
“Are you saying you don’t believe it is healthier to drink purified, distilled water?”  I asked.
“Nope, that is all a marketing ploy to get at our wallets.” He returned.

Well I had a few things to say about that:  First off did you know that….
Our bodies are made up of 70% water.
The brain is 85% water.
Bones are 35% water.
Blood is 83% water.
And the liver which is our most important detoxification filter is 90% water.
When we become dehydrated we are putting our lives in perilous danger.
Water from the tap is chlorinated.  And that chlorine causes a toxic reaction in our body.  You may ask, “so then why is chlorine put in the water because tap water?”
The water that is coming through our pipes is putrid.  There are all kinds of parasites and germs in the water that would kill us if we drank it straight.  So the water is overloaded with chlorine to kill these bugs and parasites but consuming large amounts of this chlorine causes toxicity in our bodies.
Also think about the pipes that the water is going through.  Led can bleach out into the water through the pipes or through soldering.

What is a thirsty person to do?

Well first, NO TAP WATER!
You can get so much hydration through the live living cells of fruits and vegetables. So not only is it key to drink distilled or reverse osmosis water.  But if you are juicing you are also getting the vitamins and minerals you need and giving your body incredible hydration.

About a gallon of water is eliminated from the body every 24 hours.  Through the pours of the skin, through the kidneys and through other elimination organs.

In order to maintain a correct healthy water balance that lost water must be replenished.
The most important thing you can do is hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
One daily health goal should be to get your urine as clear as possible if it is a strong yellow color you are seriously dehydrated.