Archive | July, 2011

What is the Deal with Bottled Water? –

23 Jul
Deutsch: Stilles Mineralwasser, d.h. kohlensäu...

Image via Wikipedia

I was out shopping for bottled water and my shopping companion told me that I was a complete idiot!
He refuses to buy bottled water.  He said, “What a ridiculous concept!”  “Why buy bottled water when you have water for free coming directly out of your sink?
“Are you saying you don’t believe it is healthier to drink purified, distilled water?”  I asked.
“Nope, that is all a marketing ploy to get at our wallets.” He returned.

Well I had a few things to say about that:  First off did you know that….
Our bodies are made up of 70% water.
The brain is 85% water.
Bones are 35% water.
Blood is 83% water.
And the liver which is our most important detoxification filter is 90% water.
When we become dehydrated we are putting our lives in perilous danger.
Water from the tap is chlorinated.  And that chlorine causes a toxic reaction in our body.  You may ask, “so then why is chlorine put in the water because tap water?”
The water that is coming through our pipes is putrid.  There are all kinds of parasites and germs in the water that would kill us if we drank it straight.  So the water is overloaded with chlorine to kill these bugs and parasites but consuming large amounts of this chlorine causes toxicity in our bodies.
Also think about the pipes that the water is going through.  Led can bleach out into the water through the pipes or through soldering.

What is a thirsty person to do?

Well first, NO TAP WATER!
You can get so much hydration through the live living cells of fruits and vegetables. So not only is it key to drink distilled or reverse osmosis water.  But if you are juicing you are also getting the vitamins and minerals you need and giving your body incredible hydration.

About a gallon of water is eliminated from the body every 24 hours.  Through the pours of the skin, through the kidneys and through other elimination organs.

In order to maintain a correct healthy water balance that lost water must be replenished.
The most important thing you can do is hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
One daily health goal should be to get your urine as clear as possible if it is a strong yellow color you are seriously dehydrated.

Can We Help You Find The Healthy Balance in Life! –

6 Jul
Česky: Pizza

Image via Wikipedia

People are always telling me they would love to lose weight but don’t want to give up their favorite things (pizza, wine, chips and salsa, cake frosting).
Those feelings are completely understandable.  My mom has always been all or nothing kind of person.  It doesn’t matter if it is good or bad.
That’s in regards to religion, exercise, nutrition, parenting, reading, whatever she is into that moment.  The thing with this kind of mentality is it will teach you what is healthy or unhealthy for you pretty quickly.
Our bodies are incredibly intelligent and respond to what works and rejects what doesn’t.
For example, if alcohol is bad for you (alcohol destroys/damages your cells, it raises your Acidity level, overall doing nothing positive for your system)  then never drink.

Some people try to live a life of balance.  Eat as good as you can throughout the day then treat yourself to a desert after a hard workout.
A day that may start with a juice or a wheatgrass (strongest cleanser of the liver), get some physical activity during the day then enjoy a nice dinner with a great glass of Pinot Noir.

frischgepreßter Karottensaft

Image via Wikipedia

It is not always what you take out of your diet that will help you look and feel better it is what you add.  Adding a carrot juice to your weekly diet; which is an overall enhancer of so many things – your eyes your skin – and it is a energy due to the natural occurring sugars that are very healthy for you!

The problem with a lot of folks is they have gone so far in the unhealthy direction.  Having a diet that consists of a processed, high sugared foods for breakfast, a sandwich on white bread mayonnaise and meat minus the vegetables for lunch, no physical activity during the day, then a large portioned dinner in front of the TV with a 6 pack of beer.
Can you imagine what that will do to someone’s body.
After years of this sort of behavior you will have to take on my mom’s mentality of all or nothing.  Daily workout routine, always putting the best nutrition into your body and no alcohol.
Every choice good or bad has a consequence and if it took you 5 years to feel crappy and weigh 25 lbs heavier than you should than it is going to take a lot longer than 4 weeks of being healthy to get your body back to normal function.
I am not here to be the barer of bad news I hope to motivate you to change your life today!
If you are an all or nothing type person like my mom, go for it.  I envy your dedication.  If you are more like myself start making small changes every couple of days until a habit is formed.  I’m not saying you will have to give up that pizza and glass of vino for the rest of your life, but who knows you may end up wanting to.  Live the healthy life you want to today and you will feel the benefits tomorrow.