Archive | September, 2011

My Sister’s Personal Juice Fasting Story! –

19 Sep

My little sister has always loved food.  A loving family nick name for her as a child was “wooden leg” because she just kept eating at the dinner table and never seemed to get full.

As an athlete this wasn’t a problem…but what happened when she stopped training like a professional basketball player?

Well…you guessed right!  She gained a lot of unwanted weight.

My sister was ready to have a slim and sexy body.  The question was how could someone who loves food as much as her reach those goals?

She found her answer in the juice.  With my mom as her guide she was able to lose the weight she wanted and now she is in the best shape of her life.

You too can start juicing today…it doesn’t have to be a juice fast and you will still see incredible results but if you want so me help and some encouragement read this article she wrote about her experience juice fasting.

Some common questions are:

1) What are the best things to juice on a juice fast?

2) How long should I juice fast?

3) Doesn’t my body need to digest solid foods?

Based off the facts and the experience that my sister Jessica had we will answer these questions. In subsequent blogs.  But for some quick answers check out First Time Juicer FAQs.

If you are serious about juice fasting you will want an exceptional juicer at the best price you can possible find.  But the amazing thing about purchasing this juicer is you will get one you of free juice fasting coaching.