Archive | March, 2012

Juicing For Arthritis –

30 Mar

What are some things that can make us feel stiff that has the potential to lead to painful, achy joints?

A few reasons might be….

A hand affected by rheumatoid arthritis

A hand affected by rheumatoid arthritis (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  • An autoimmune disease (the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue)
  • Broken bones
  • General “wear and tear” on joints
  • Infection, usually by bacteria or virus

No one want’s arthritis, which is an inflammation of one or more joints.

Arthritis involves the breakdown of cartilage. Cartilage normally protects a joint, allowing it to move smoothly. Cartilage also absorbs shock when pressure is placed on the joint, such as when you walk. Without the normal amount of cartilage, the bones rub together, causing pain, swelling (inflammation) and stiffness.

We are here to help you avoid foods high in uric acid, which can make this stiffness worse.

Ice crystals on the box with a cake

                                  WHAT IS URIC ACID?

To paint a visual picture, think of crystallization happening in your joints.  This will cement the bones and joints from moving smoothly.

The longer it isn’t addressed the more difficult it will be to break apart these crystals.

Uric acid is high in things such as coffee, alcohol, meats and dairy products.
It is important to balance out your diet with plant based foods so your don’t get this huge build up of uric acid.

Mega Mouth 390 - Big Sale at


Start having a  juice daily.

If you are already juicing you could start adding pineapple and ginger to your juice that will help with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Juicing will not only help get good stuff in but it will also help you clear the bad stuff out!

Alfalfa CDC

Alfalfa CDC (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Alfalfa works as a blood purifier, eating or juicing alfalfa, alfalfa sprouts, and other foods high in chlorophyll helps eliminate the excessive uric acid that causes gout.

What if you love coffee?  Or just something hot to drink first thing in the morning.  
Two thoughts, this new thing called teeccino.  This can be purchased at any food store.  It comes in a wide variety of flavors.
You could also water down your coffee just a bit and that will help cut out some of your uric acid in take.

Healthy Diet Guidelines Made Easy –

27 Mar

Avoid this look.

It is very hard in the western world to eat pure and nutritious foods.

Male Abdominal obesity.

Male Abdominal obesity. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I would like to give you some general guidelines on how to get healthier with your diet.

1) Eat fruits and vegetables in a raw, natural state.
Supermarkets often have to import produce from other parts of the world which means it is probably refrigerated for a long period of time.  As much as you can SHOP LOCAL!

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables (Photo credit: nutrilover)

2) Avoid foods that have been tampered with in order to preserve them.
It is thankfully getting easier and easier to get organic foods because of the increase in organic farming methods.
3) Avoid processed food, white flour and sugar.

4) Avoid foods that contain coloring, added sugar or salt and

This Juicer is on a great sale at

modified food starch and high fructose corn syrup.
5) Be sure to check the food labels before you buy.  If you are unable to pronounce half the things on the label than that is a good clue that it has been majorly tampered with.

6) Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible.  When you cook your vegetables you destroy a lot of vitamins and enzymes.
You may find it hard to eat
This is a little more psychological but it is a great tip.
7) Think about what you are eating.  Don’t eat in a stressed or anxious state.  Give attention to the food or the juice in front of you.
You can even ‘chew’ your juice; which initiates the salivary glands in your mouth and your digestive juices.  This will help your body absorb the nutrients it better.

Vegetable Toss

Vegetable Toss (Photo credit: ex.libris)

Want the best juice diet??? Add tomato and flush out cancer!

16 Mar

There is absolutely nothing like a home grown tomato; the flavor is so just so stinken rich and vibrant.


Tomatoes (Photo credit: rachelandrew)

Let me tell you how you can get that same rich, vibrant taste and enjoy even more of the benefits of the tomato.  JUICE THEM!

Let’s get some of the hard facts about the tomato out there:
Why is the tomato so good for you?
It contains concentrated amounts of licopene which is so good for the pancreas, liver, kidneys, spleen, adrenal glands, skin, eyes and also fights the onslaught of cancer.
Tomatoes have made front page news over and over again about being a cancer fighting giants.

Tomato Juice in a glas, decorated with tomato ...

Image via Wikipedia

They are very high in Vitamin C and Vitamin A.
We need Vitamin C to operate almost every function in your body and Vitamin A is such a builder of strength for your entire system.

It really is interesting how the benefits change if the tomato is cooked or if it is raw.
For example, cooked tomatoes have a high amount of oxalic acid, which acidifies the blood which in turn draws minerals from your teeth, bones and your tissues.
So in this way the cooked tomato is NO GOOD for you!
The raw tomato is incredibly alkaline.  So interesting, right?
It actually contributes to the absorption of the calcium and other minerals.

If you don’t already have a juicer I recommend getting the VRT 330 because it works on a slower masticating system.  So the taste will be so rich and real.  You can also store this juice for a couple of days since it is processed so much slower.

There is actually a special on the Omega VRT 330 right now.  CHECK IT OUT at

Here are two great recipes to throw your tomatoes in:

1 tomato
1 cucumber
handful of cabbage
1 glove of garlic
2 celery stalks.

-1 tomato
– handful of spinach
2 stalks of celery
1 piece of fennel
1 garlic clove
sweet chile pepper
a couple sprays of braggs amino

Why Do I Feel So Bloated?

3 Mar

Well..there is a variety of reasons you might be feeling bloated.  Let’s look at some of the culprits.Image
1) Your not digesting your food so it is still in your digestive tract making you feel full.

2) Your digestive system is compromised and as it tries to work it becomes dis-tented because it is trying so hard to break down whatever you put in.

3) You might be bringing in extra air, for example you chew gum all the time and you are bringing in extra air bubbles.

4) You have a tremendous amount of gas that has built up.

5) You also might be eating artificial type things that your system does not know how to deal with and can’t break them down.

The best thing you can start doing is juicing your fruits and vegetables.  Now your body doesn’t have to go through the digestive process because the food is already broken down.
Secondly, you are giving your body digestives enzymes which come from raw, living food.  These digestive enzymes are what break down food for you.
Our bodies do produce digestive enzymes but as we get older we do not produce enough of them.  Some people take a digestive enzyme pills, which do aid in increasing your digestive enzymes.
Work with your body so that it can work better for you.

Fennel – This is one of the best thing for flatulence.
Ginger – Helps in all digestive processes
Garlic – Helps kill off parasites that may be inhibiting the digestion process
Cabbage – Now be careful with this because it is not the best thing to eat raw because our system has such a tough time breaking it down..but when you juice it you get all the benefits without forcing your system to try to break it down to receive the benefits.

Love on your body today!