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Juice For Your Body Type –

12 Apr

Not all juices are created equal.
Every single individual will handle, digest, and like every  juice combinations differently.  And the combinations are endless.  So get ready to have some fun!

Glass of juice and carrots Français : Verre de...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

At Healthy Life Juicers  you can get your individual diet and nutrition needs met.  Send the team of nutritionists feedback on different things you are juicing and how your body is handling them.   Really, if you don’t like the taste of something but think your body needs it; shoot a quick email to and you’ll get some replacement fruit or veggie ideas that will give you the taste and the nutritional results you desire.
The Western principles of diet, which advocates similar dietary habits for everyone is completely wrong!  Your diet should actually be tailored to your individual character, physique and circumstances.
Try experimenting with different foods and juices to see what affects they have on the way you feel.

Ask yourself, which combinations of fruits and vegetables or foods make you feel stressed, excitable or jittery?  And which ones make you feel slow and sluggish?
Become an expert on the needs of your body and the effects that various foods have upon you.

Here are some juicing recipes to try and the benefits of each one of them.  Let us know how they work for you and, or any changes you made to improve your experience.

Antibiotic Juice Recipe

This juice combination acts as a powerful antibiotic and antiseptic.

1 Carrot

1 Beetroot including some green tops
2 Spinach leaves

Fresh vegetables are important components of a...

Fresh vegetables are important components of a healthy diet. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1 Apple
0.2 inch Fresh ginger root
0.2 inch Horseradish root
1 Garlic clove
1/2 cup Watercress

Chlorophyll Hit

For super energy!

1 Carrot
1 Beetroot with top leaves
1/2 Turnip leaves
1 cup chopped parsley

2 Spinach leaves
1 Apples
1 Garlic clove
1/3 cup Wheat grass (not all juicers can extract juice from wheat grass)  – if that is what you are in the market for check out the number 1 juicer of the year last year!!

For more free recipes go to

Healthy Diet Guidelines Made Easy –

27 Mar

Avoid this look.

It is very hard in the western world to eat pure and nutritious foods.

Male Abdominal obesity.

Male Abdominal obesity. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I would like to give you some general guidelines on how to get healthier with your diet.

1) Eat fruits and vegetables in a raw, natural state.
Supermarkets often have to import produce from other parts of the world which means it is probably refrigerated for a long period of time.  As much as you can SHOP LOCAL!

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables (Photo credit: nutrilover)

2) Avoid foods that have been tampered with in order to preserve them.
It is thankfully getting easier and easier to get organic foods because of the increase in organic farming methods.
3) Avoid processed food, white flour and sugar.

4) Avoid foods that contain coloring, added sugar or salt and

This Juicer is on a great sale at

modified food starch and high fructose corn syrup.
5) Be sure to check the food labels before you buy.  If you are unable to pronounce half the things on the label than that is a good clue that it has been majorly tampered with.

6) Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible.  When you cook your vegetables you destroy a lot of vitamins and enzymes.
You may find it hard to eat
This is a little more psychological but it is a great tip.
7) Think about what you are eating.  Don’t eat in a stressed or anxious state.  Give attention to the food or the juice in front of you.
You can even ‘chew’ your juice; which initiates the salivary glands in your mouth and your digestive juices.  This will help your body absorb the nutrients it better.

Vegetable Toss

Vegetable Toss (Photo credit: ex.libris)

Why Do I Feel So Bloated?

3 Mar

Well..there is a variety of reasons you might be feeling bloated.  Let’s look at some of the culprits.Image
1) Your not digesting your food so it is still in your digestive tract making you feel full.

2) Your digestive system is compromised and as it tries to work it becomes dis-tented because it is trying so hard to break down whatever you put in.

3) You might be bringing in extra air, for example you chew gum all the time and you are bringing in extra air bubbles.

4) You have a tremendous amount of gas that has built up.

5) You also might be eating artificial type things that your system does not know how to deal with and can’t break them down.

The best thing you can start doing is juicing your fruits and vegetables.  Now your body doesn’t have to go through the digestive process because the food is already broken down.
Secondly, you are giving your body digestives enzymes which come from raw, living food.  These digestive enzymes are what break down food for you.
Our bodies do produce digestive enzymes but as we get older we do not produce enough of them.  Some people take a digestive enzyme pills, which do aid in increasing your digestive enzymes.
Work with your body so that it can work better for you.

Fennel – This is one of the best thing for flatulence.
Ginger – Helps in all digestive processes
Garlic – Helps kill off parasites that may be inhibiting the digestion process
Cabbage – Now be careful with this because it is not the best thing to eat raw because our system has such a tough time breaking it down..but when you juice it you get all the benefits without forcing your system to try to break it down to receive the benefits.

Love on your body today!

What have you done to feed your soul lately? –

7 Feb

We are constantly letting our mind run with what might make us happy instead of finding the stillness to let the answers in.

ImageThis is truly the only place to find your answers.  You might be thinking…what makes me so sure?

I can be sure only from experience.  Self-realization is the road to happiness and the road to self-realization is a series of experiments.
You have to learn what works for you.  But most importantly you have to SEEK.  This means make the time for yourself.

Just like our previous blogs, it might take a little extra time to do what’s right for your body, like juicing daily, or for the earth, the same is true for your soul.
What brings on all this soul food talk? I recently spent 3 beautiful, soul searching weeks at a yoga ashram in Chile.  There the people don’t only feed their souls, they feed their bodies as well. Everything is 100% organic and home grown. I learned so much about how to live eco-friendly from growing your own vegetables to composting and food preparation.

I would love to share those things with you in the next couple weeks in our blog. I hope you will find it helpful and inspiring to find the time to experiment with what feeds your body and soul.

Water water everywhere: How Can I Use Less –

21 Nov

Water, the original good stuff and the topic of our second blog in the Green your juice series, where we like to add some great tips on how you can care for your health and the environment with your juicing habits.

It appears we have unlimited but this is definitely not the case! It is a precious life-giving resource and we as responsible people have to take every caution to reduce not only our carbon footprint but also our water footprint.  You may be thinking I’m drinking juice so I’m saving water ok check…donezo! Not the case, there are some other great ways you can reduce your usage, save money and the planet!

1. Washing your veggies and fruits- This is a huge chunk of the water used for juicing. If you wash each thing individually you could end up wasting gallons of water when you are fasting or juicing regularly.

A simple way to solve this is to either fill the sink or a pan with water to wash everything at once.  We recommend using veggie wash it is a great way to not only conserve water but also makes sure you remove all pesticides and wax from your produce.  There are also two great substitutes for a commercially sold wash.

  1. Baking soda- Simply shake some baking soda in to your soaking water and let sit for 5-10 min.
  2. Vinegar- Either add equal parts water and vinegar to a spray bottle or add to your soaking water.
These are both easy and economical ways to keep water usage down and healthy living up!
If you decide not to use cleaner in your wash-up process or if you are just giving them a second rinse off, consider gathering the water used for cleaning veggies to water house plants.
2. Waste disposal- Another way you can conserve water while juicing is to use the garbage disposal sparingly. Every time you cram-jam-slam those rouges down the drain to avoid putting them in the trash (which is a good thought of course but see our blog on how to make good us

English: The carbon footprint as it is underst...

Image via Wikipedia

e of your waste) you are running gallons of water down the drain to do so. Composing is a simple and economical way to solve this problem. I know you have been thinking of starting one, make today the day!

3. Clean up- The final way you can save the planet while saving yourself from toxins is during clean up.  It may not be the best part of the juicing process but it can make a huge impact if you do it with care. These are simple and universal tips for saving water while washing dishes.
  1. Don’t doddle!– Make sure you have everything ready and nearby when you are ready to clean out your juicer. Running all over the kitchen with the faucet going is money and a precious resource down the drain.
  2. Be Handy-Don’t be afraid to get your hands in there.  The more you can have clean before heading to the sink the less rinse time you will use before washing or heading to the dishwasher.
  3. Stop the cycle– When washing juicer parts in the dishwasher, use the shortest cycle possible to get the job done to your liking. Always always wash with a full load!
  4. Procrastinate– Depending on your juicer you may not need to clean it after every single use. Especially if you are juicing several times a day.
If you begin to think of water as the precious life-giving resource that it is than conservation becomes easy. Why waste something you don’t have to. Being conscious of your health and the health of the earth are the first steps towards a happy and balanced life.
In our next blog in the series we will look into how to green your juice by the produce you choose and where you purchase it from.

Continue reading

What is the Deal with Bottled Water? –

23 Jul
Deutsch: Stilles Mineralwasser, d.h. kohlensäu...

Image via Wikipedia

I was out shopping for bottled water and my shopping companion told me that I was a complete idiot!
He refuses to buy bottled water.  He said, “What a ridiculous concept!”  “Why buy bottled water when you have water for free coming directly out of your sink?
“Are you saying you don’t believe it is healthier to drink purified, distilled water?”  I asked.
“Nope, that is all a marketing ploy to get at our wallets.” He returned.

Well I had a few things to say about that:  First off did you know that….
Our bodies are made up of 70% water.
The brain is 85% water.
Bones are 35% water.
Blood is 83% water.
And the liver which is our most important detoxification filter is 90% water.
When we become dehydrated we are putting our lives in perilous danger.
Water from the tap is chlorinated.  And that chlorine causes a toxic reaction in our body.  You may ask, “so then why is chlorine put in the water because tap water?”
The water that is coming through our pipes is putrid.  There are all kinds of parasites and germs in the water that would kill us if we drank it straight.  So the water is overloaded with chlorine to kill these bugs and parasites but consuming large amounts of this chlorine causes toxicity in our bodies.
Also think about the pipes that the water is going through.  Led can bleach out into the water through the pipes or through soldering.

What is a thirsty person to do?

Well first, NO TAP WATER!
You can get so much hydration through the live living cells of fruits and vegetables. So not only is it key to drink distilled or reverse osmosis water.  But if you are juicing you are also getting the vitamins and minerals you need and giving your body incredible hydration.

About a gallon of water is eliminated from the body every 24 hours.  Through the pours of the skin, through the kidneys and through other elimination organs.

In order to maintain a correct healthy water balance that lost water must be replenished.
The most important thing you can do is hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
One daily health goal should be to get your urine as clear as possible if it is a strong yellow color you are seriously dehydrated.