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Juicing For Arthritis –

30 Mar

What are some things that can make us feel stiff that has the potential to lead to painful, achy joints?

A few reasons might be….

A hand affected by rheumatoid arthritis

A hand affected by rheumatoid arthritis (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  • An autoimmune disease (the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue)
  • Broken bones
  • General “wear and tear” on joints
  • Infection, usually by bacteria or virus

No one want’s arthritis, which is an inflammation of one or more joints.

Arthritis involves the breakdown of cartilage. Cartilage normally protects a joint, allowing it to move smoothly. Cartilage also absorbs shock when pressure is placed on the joint, such as when you walk. Without the normal amount of cartilage, the bones rub together, causing pain, swelling (inflammation) and stiffness.

We are here to help you avoid foods high in uric acid, which can make this stiffness worse.

Ice crystals on the box with a cake

                                  WHAT IS URIC ACID?

To paint a visual picture, think of crystallization happening in your joints.  This will cement the bones and joints from moving smoothly.

The longer it isn’t addressed the more difficult it will be to break apart these crystals.

Uric acid is high in things such as coffee, alcohol, meats and dairy products.
It is important to balance out your diet with plant based foods so your don’t get this huge build up of uric acid.

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Start having a  juice daily.

If you are already juicing you could start adding pineapple and ginger to your juice that will help with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Juicing will not only help get good stuff in but it will also help you clear the bad stuff out!

Alfalfa CDC

Alfalfa CDC (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Alfalfa works as a blood purifier, eating or juicing alfalfa, alfalfa sprouts, and other foods high in chlorophyll helps eliminate the excessive uric acid that causes gout.

What if you love coffee?  Or just something hot to drink first thing in the morning.  
Two thoughts, this new thing called teeccino.  This can be purchased at any food store.  It comes in a wide variety of flavors.
You could also water down your coffee just a bit and that will help cut out some of your uric acid in take.

The BEST Thing You Can Eat!! –

29 Jan
broccoli sprouts

broccoli sprouts (Photo credit: julie gibbons)

During my research and studies I have found what is the most nutritious thing I could possibly eat or juice.
The sprout.
There are a multiple variety of sprouts..some of the most common are alfalfa (the least expensive, but also the most beneficial!), broccoli sprouts and clover sprouts bur there are also the less common like sunflower, buckwheat, pea and fennegreek sprouts.
Some of these need to be grown in dirt and some of these can be just grown in water.
The water ones are so great because you can grow them anywhere.  Like I do in a jar in my cupboard.
Just how much more nutritious are these little miracles foods in comparison to other fruits and veggies?
They are about 500 TIMES more powerful than their counterparts that are non sprouted.

Like we were earlier discussing the least expensive and one of the most nutritious the alfalfa sprout in particular has something called, Spinosterol.  This stimulates the immune systems and activates the T-cells that fight free radicals and cancer.
So if you are trying to strengthen your immune system than adding sprouts is a number one priority.

What if you are a vegetarian wondering how you are going to get your protein?
Sprouts are deceptively high in protein, they are 40%.  Amazing right?!

But when you are juicing you don’t get much juice out of them so it is extremely important to wrap them in a big leafy green like swiss chard or collard or even romaine leafs; which are incredibly easy to access.

English: Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris) with vari...

Image via Wikipedia

If you have a juicer that changes speed juice them on the lowest speed so that you can get the most out of your dollar.

One more QUESTION:
 What if you don’t like the taste of sprouts?
Juice them and you will still get the amazing protein and the spinosterol benefits.