Archive | August, 2011

Make Your Green Juice Really Green! –

15 Aug

As we have already touched on in previous blogs a bit, juicing is
amazing for your health. We would like to take a few postings to talk
about another passion of mine… the earth! I’ll point out a few great
and simple ways you can also consider the environment in your daily
juicing decisions and make more Eco-friendly juicing choices.  As
discussed in our last blog there are some great ways to utilize the roughage that is left from you fantastic juicing creations. Now lets
talk about how we can make your juicer less wasteful and more
sustainable. This series we will inform you on how to save water,
energy, deciding what to juice when, and things you can do to off-set
your usage.

Studies show that 78% of people say they would like to use more
sustainable products and yet only about 7% are willing to actually
fork out the extra cash to do so. This is understandable given today’s
economy but I’d like to share with you things that you can do to SAVE
not only cash for you but energy and resources for us all.

In honor of this blog series I want to share a great green juice
recipe that I start out many a morning with and in the coming days
I’ll show you how to make that green juice all the way green, ENJOY!

ALL the way green:

4 Celery stalks
1 Cucumber
2 Swiss chard leaves
2 Kale leaves
1 Grape fruit
1 inch Ginger cube

This juice packs amazing benefits to start your day with. Grapefruit
is a great fat burner while the kale and Swiss chard are unbeatable
for their density of trace minerals. Ginger is known to fight and
prevent arthritis, while cucumber and celery have tons of benefits,
one of them being it is fantastic for the health of your skin and
detoxifies the body. Try this juice today and begin your day with
an amazing sense of well-being. And PLEASE remember to check out our
blog series this week and give back to the earth like she gives to us!

Do I just garbage the pulp from the juice? –

3 Aug

What should you do with all that waste/pulp from your juicer?
It is true when you juice your fruits and vegetables you will get a lot of extra stuff and it is not ideal just to let it all go unused.
I have some great ideas for you so that you can maximize your produce.
For example:
IDEA 1 – All Organic All Natural Crackers
-Take the pulp that is left over from a green juice drink
-Mix in a little olive oil, sea salt and any other spices you like
-Flatten on a cooking sheet
-Bake for 20 min at 400 degrees
Viola you have a totally healthy snack!  Plus you know exactly what’s in what you are eating so there are no unhealthy surprises.

IDEA 2 – Salsa or a Fun Dip
-Take the pulp that is left over from a green juice drink
-Mix it with some cut up tomatoes and onions
-Spice with sea salt plus any other natural spices you enjoy
And now you have out of this world salsa to use on your crackers.

IDEA 3 – Compost
-Don’t waste anything you use.  Start a compost and give your soil some extra love.

IDEA 4 – Soups or Stews
My friend was making me a dinner and asked if I would save all the pulp from my juices for a week…I stored it in the freezer and brought it over for Saturday night.
He had this genius idea to use it in a stew he was making.  Not to mention it was delicious!

So you can see the ideas are endless.
If you have more ideas please post them here in this blog so you can share with the world!  Not to mention I would like to try a few new things 🙂

It is true the higher quality juicer you have the less left over pulp you will get because your juicer will be sucking as much as it possible can out of your produce.
Also when you are done juicing you want your pulp to be dry, if it is not you may try running it through the juicer again.

Do you wonder why juice your fruits and vegetables instead of just eating?
The truth is our bodies do need fiber which is found in the pulp but it is very difficult for our bodies to break down/digest all of that produce.
The single hardest thing our internal body does is digestion, the process takes so much energy not to mention during this process a lot of the life-giving enzymes are lost.
So by juicing you are giving your body a break from this process and simply providing it with the vitamins and nutrients you need.

Have a great day being creative!!